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Paul Stewart delivers emotive workshop to staff and players at Eco-Power Stadium

24 January 2023


Paul Stewart delivers emotive workshop to staff and players at Eco-Power Stadium

24 January 2023

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The Rovers U18 squad along with club staff were privileged to receive a powerful presentation on safeguarding from former England international Paul Stewart.

Paul spoke in hard-hitting detail about his experiences as a victim of child sexual abuse by a football coach and the impact that had on his life in the subsequent years, including throughout a career which saw him win the FA Cup with Tottenham Hotspur along with spells at Liverpool and Manchester City.

The 58-year-old first spoke out about his experiences in 2016 and has since gone on to become one of the leading voices in the promotion of safeguarding both in and out of football. He is an advocate of robust recruitment in football and the need for open forums for children and young people.

Speaking directly to the young players, Paul emphasised the importance of speaking about problems or concerns, however big or small, and the positive impact that can have.

The talk was attended by the U18 squad along with coaching staff and wider Club Doncaster employees. It was carried out as part of League Football Education programme which the club’s Academy scholars undertake.

The Academy's social support officer Mya Taylor said: "It was a privilege to have Paul Stewart at Club Doncaster last week presenting to the scholars and staff.

"Whilst it was an honour to meet such a legendary player, the experience was bittersweet given the topic he came to discuss, safeguarding and sharing of his traumatic past experience.

"This talk opened people's eyes on such a sensitive topic. I feel like it will have raised awareness and was a story that will stick with everyone who listened for the rest of their lives."

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