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Jamie Sterry holding prize raffle to raise money for foodbanks

13 December 2023

Club News

Jamie Sterry holding prize raffle to raise money for foodbanks

13 December 2023

Rovers full back Jamie Sterry has launched a raffle to raise money for foodbanks this Christmas.

With demand for foodbanks set to reach record levels over the winter, Jamie is looking to raise vital funds to support their work

All proceeds from the raffle will be split between Doncaster Foodbank and Newcastle Foodbank. Jamie raised £1,500 for Hartlepool Foodbank last year with a similar raffle.

This year’s prizes include a Rovers shirt signed by the full squad, a Newcastle United shirt signed by the full squad, a darts set and shirt signed by PDC Masters champion Chris Dobey and a £50 voucher for top north east burger bars, Brack Burger.

Each ticket costs £5. Click HERE to enter before the December 20 closing date.

With an estimated 7,000 people per day set to seek the support of a foodbank this winter, Jamie says any money raised will go a long way.

“I worked with foodbanks last year and it was really eye-opening to realise and understand how much they are needed by people,” the 28-year-old said. “It’s pretty crazy really.

“There’s also how much work the foodbanks do and all the volunteers that are involved to help provide for people that have nothing.

“I know life is hard for a lot of people at the minute but there are some people that don’t have any food at all.

“Especially from December through to February, they’re bracing for their worst period yet. A food parcel is needed every eight seconds to be given out, which is just crazy.

“The foodbanks do an unbelievable job and I just want to help as much as I can.

“I wanted to do something rather than just ask for donations so we’ve got the raffle where people can win some great prizes. It’s a good way to raise money for it.

“But if anyone doesn’t want a raffle ticket, they can go on the Trussell Trust website to read into what is needed.”

Jamie’s work with foodbanks dates back to his time at Newcastle United and he says any contribution made, whether cash, vouchers or food items, will be gratefully received.

He said: “I worked a little bit with Newcastle foodbank when I was at Newcastle. They have one outside the stadium.

“I’ve just wanted to see how I can help in the community and the foodbanks are very important.

“I raised £1,500 last year at Hartlepool and the rest of the squad put in another £1,000 so we did £2,500 for Hartlepool foodbank which was great. I was thinking it’d only be a few hundred quid.

“Whatever we get this year, as long as it helps, that’s great. And if we can raise some awareness as well, that’ll be the main thing.

“If you’re going shopping, buy a few more items and donate them.”

The Fans for Foodbanks donation point will be in operation outside the Eco-Power Stadium for 90 minutes prior to the upcoming games against Morecambe (December 16) and Bradford City (December 23).

To enter Jamie’s raffle, click HERE.

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